July 2016

The World Outside – With Zoe Dunne

The personal lives of those who work for Jerrard Keats & Wolley, introduces a world where the outdoors plays a pivotal role.

Lets share the world outside from Zoe Dunne, our property manager.

Six questions to get to know Zoe a bit better.

Zoe races on a GP42 yacht. This is a fully carbon race boat with no comforts, a fully stripped out raceboat! No loo, hob, cushions or comforts when on the sea.

Zoe has sailed with the team since 2011. This is more less the same crew since Zoe started sailing from day one. In Zoe’s words, “the guys are like my brothers!”

Six questions on her life on the sea. Lets go.

Where did your love of the sea start?

I started sailing when I was 7 years old.

My Dad and I would go out for little trips after school to Brownsea Island (in Poole) in a little 8ft dinghy. I would crew and he drove.

I remember loving sploshing my hands in and out the water and the speed of it going past (about 2-3knots!!).


What does a season entail?

The boat I currently race takes part in the Fast 40+ circuit.

A Fast40+ sailing yacht, is defined as a light displacement race boat, with an IRC TCC of between 1.210 and 1.270. Making for fast close racing. There are 14 of these boats in the Solent and we race every year from March to October, with roughly one event a month!

Next year, I hope there will be more events to be part of.


What do you put a successful race down to?

A successful race? That’s a tricky question!

I have say it’s down to everything. We are lucky as we have a consistent crew and everyone knows what is going on around the boat, in detail. I prefer windy weather, it is so much more exhilarating. The sheer rush you get from going 20+ knots with 10+ boats nearby!! It has its scary moments but it is so much fun.


What has been the most hair raising moment in competitive sailing?

 This years Round the Island Race (July 2nd) was pretty hair raising.

The waves round the back of the island were huge and the bow burying into the waves in front, it was epic! I did a lot of filming round the back of the island and had to mute the video as its just me giggling having a great time.

You can watch the film here.


What is your biggest sense of fulfilment from racing?


Dad, when I was younger, always said there was no prize for second place. So I have had that engrained into my up bringing. Also, the teamwork of getting round the race course successfully and quickly is immense. The boat cannot be sailed by one person, it’s not just down to one person whether you will win, all 11 people on the boat have a vital role in getting the boat round the course.


Where do you see yourself in sailing in the next 5 years?

Next five years that’s an interesting one…I would love to have my own boat.

Thanks to Zoe for sharing her world and her passion outside of work.

For property related matters, Zoe is your first port of call, click here to email or call 01202 744990